Posts by Year


Working Paper: Enhancing Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) Return Forecasts via Machine Learning

5 minute read

We add to the emerging literature on machine learning empirical asset pricing by analyzing a comprehensive set of return prediction factors on REITs. We show that machine learning models are superior to traditional ordinary least square models and we find that REIT investors experience significant economic gains when using machine learning forecasts. Comparing to the stock market, we show that REITs are more predictable than stocks, and that the higher predictability is stable across time and across industry types.

The MPhils were back in town!

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It was such a joy to welcome back our MPhil alumni and former colleagues for the 2024 MPhil reunion! I truly enjoyed the evening, hearing all about your impressive careers—but, more importantly, seeing old friendships glowing strong and new bonds forming.Sometimes, the beauty of working in education gets lost in the daily grind. Being there with you wonderful people, I felt grateful, sentimental, and curious about your next steps. Thanks to all for the reunion, and I hope to see you again soon!

Continuous learning

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As I sat in the dentist’s chair, waiting for the local anesthetic to kick in, I finally asked the dentist something I had wondered about a few times before: “How do you keep up with new techniques and stay on top of your field?” I inquired, half-expecting a mention of professional courses or medical journals. His response was immediate and enthusiastic: “YouTube!” And that was reassuring.

Blog post: Predictable REIT returns

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The Cambridge Endowment for Research in Finance (CERF) has published a blog post on Kahshin Leow’s and my research on predictable REIT returns:

Upcoming talks: Research seminars in Reading and London

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This Wednesday (March 20) will be busy: First, I’ll head to the University of Reading for a research seminar (12–1 pm). My paper shows how REIT return predictability increases when machine learning methods are allowed to shine. In the evening (6:15—7:15 pm), I will take part in a seminar on generative AI organised by the Society of Property Researchers in London. Pretty excited to share my work and to meet new and old friends.


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Spring arrived early this year. The apricot is flowering, to the delight of big bumble bees. Let’s hope there will be no more frosty spells.


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“In [Trump’s] world: rent regulated apartments are worth the same as unregulated apartments; restricted land is worth the same as unrestricted land; restrictions can evaporate into thin air; […] and square footage subjective. That is a fantasy world, not the real world.” A. Engoron

Easy New Year’s Resolutions

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Still looking for an easy new year’s resolution? Something that won’t be difficult to do but might make you feel better every time you navigate the Internet?

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Run Large Language Models locally

3 minute read

Want to run a large language model (LLM) on your computer? Llamafile makes hosting a LLM chatbot locally as simple as downloading a single file and starting it. That’s all. It took me less than a minute to arrive at my first home-spun text. If you wanted to use Large Language Models (LLM) without sharing all prompts and other data with Big Tech, or integrate a chatbot into a system that you control fully, or simply preferred open-source solutions wherever possible, then llamafile is worth a try. CONTINUE READING …

True Craftsmanship

less than 1 minute read

I spotted this exceptionally well-made gate not far from home. The oak wood has been hewn, not sawn, giving strength and elegant curves. Connections made in wood, just the hinges are metal. This must have been irrationally expensive to build. Beautiful.

Green Buildings of Silver Street

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Not ideal from a building maintenance point of view… but beautiful. A gutter has been leaking for years and created a truly ‘green’ building on Silver Street. Click for video.

Tulip mania

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An update from the garden: Tulips tulips tulips


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Personal news: I have been elected Grosvenor Professor of Real Estate Finance at the University of Cambridge

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New Working Paper: “Growth and Predictability of Urban Housing Rents”

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This paper studies urban rental prices for half a millennium (1500–2020) and seven cities: Amsterdam, Antwerp, Bruges, Brussels, Ghent, London, and Paris. Based on a dataset of 436,000 rental cash flow observations, we build continuous annual indices of housing rents, which we employ to study the long-term developments in rental cash flows, as well as their predictability. We find that real rent growth has been limited, but with large differences across cities: average annual growth rates range between 0.12 percent for the Belgian cities to 0.30 percent for Paris. At the market level, we show that sluggish supply adjustment implies that past population growth negatively predicts current rental growth. At the individual asset level, we find that past excess rental growth rates are predictive of future rent revisions, and that increasing steepness of the term structure of contract rents is predictive for future rent levels.

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New Publication: The Total Return To Real Estate

1 minute read

New research accepted for publication at the Review of Financial Studies (RFS) suggests that returns to real estate are solid but not exceptional: No sign of a housing risk premium puzzle.

Nothing but hot air…

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My previous website went down in flames (or rather: is now hosted in a black cloud).

Machine Learning, Architectural Styles and Property Values

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New research accepted for publication at the Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics: This paper couples a traditional hedonic model with architectural style classifications from human experts and machine learning (ML) enabled classifiers to estimate sales price premia over architectural styles, both at the building and the neighborhood-level.

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Valuable Words: The Price Dynamics of Internet Domain Names

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This article estimates the first constant quality price index for Internet domain names. The suggested index provides a benchmark for domain name traders and investors looking for information on price trends, historical returns, and the fundamental risk of Internet domain names.

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